Saturday, February 18, 2012

Interesting facts about the constellation puppis?

Can anyone tell me some interesting facts about the constellation puppis? I've tried to google interesting facts about puppis but I didn't find any facts about it.. ThanksInteresting facts about the constellation puppis?It has Naos or Zeta Puppis, a runaway supergiant believed to have been created from the merger of two other massive stars and a hypernova event.

Clear skies!Interesting facts about the constellation puppis?Puppis has 6 stars with known or candidate exoplanets:

- HD 70642

- HD 69830

- NGC 2423-3

- HD 60532

- HD 48265

- HD 50499

3 Messier objects (all open clusters): M46, M47, M93

Plus open cluster NGC 2451.Interesting facts about the constellation puppis?Puppis is in a very rich part of the Milky Way, and contins many open star clusters. Its name is Latin for the poop deck of a ship, and it was originally part of a larger constellation, the ship Argo Navis, which was later divided into three parts, the others being Carina and Vela; Puppis is the largest of the three.

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