Saturday, February 18, 2012

Which constellation remains that is named aftr a Biblical Character aftr modern reorganisation f constellation?

please help me with this..Which constellation remains that is named aftr a Biblical Character aftr modern reorganisation f constellation?Columba: Noah's dove, see:鈥?/a>Which constellation remains that is named aftr a Biblical Character aftr modern reorganisation f constellation?None of the modern constellations are named after Biblical persons. Several are named after animals, and the same animals are mentioned in the Bible. (I assume that you mean the Judeo-Christian bible).

The only constellation that was purposely named after a bible animal is Columba, latin for "dove". Originally, it was called Columba Noachi ("Noah's Dove") by the Dutch astronomer Petrus Plancius in 1592.

Pisces was not named after the Christian symbol; the constellation was named long before Christ.

There an asterism called "Job's Coffin".Which constellation remains that is named aftr a Biblical Character aftr modern reorganisation f constellation?Pisces, the sign of the fish which was used by early christians to indicate that they followed Christ.

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